Edition Michael Procter

Renaissance choral music

Editions of sacred renaissance vocal music by the late Michael Procter

Catalogue numbers

1 100 200 300
400 500 600 700
800 900 1000 1100
1200 1300 1400 1500
Editions of sacred
renaissance music by the late Michael Procter.
Revised by Robin Rigby and available from
The Peacock Press
The Peacock Press at
For copies (not digital copies), please contact
Jacks, Pipes and Hammers
telephone +44 1422 882751
EMP0493 Willaert, Adrian Inviolata, integra et casta es Maria
SSMATTB Mary Sequence, Marian Feasts £4.75
A magnificent piece, scored for seven voices. It includes a triple canon as if to outdo Josquin's famous setting.
EMP0495 Guami, Giuseppe (Gioseffo) In die tribulationis meae
SATTB Psalm, Penitential £4.00
A piece celebrated for its extremely chromatic style. It sets the first part of each of several verses of Psalm 76 and seems appropriate for Tenebrae of Maundy Thursday (Gründonnerstag) or general penitential use.
EMP0504 Purcell, Henry Remember not Lord our offences
SSATB org Anthem, General Use £3.00
This very familiar piece is scored throughout for 5-part chorus. The text is taken from the Litany, and remained unchanged in all English prayer-books from 1549 to 1662.
EMP0507 Byrd, William O magnum misterium
SAABa Respond, Christmas £3.00
Well-known Christmas piece
EMP0508 Byrd, William O admirabile commercium
SSAB Magnificat Antiphon, Circumcision of Our Lord (Jan. 1) and Christmastide £3.00
Less well-known Christmas piece with demanding ranges for SSA (or T with top Bflat)
EMP0512 Willaert, Adrian O Crux splendidior
SATBaB Antiphon, Exaltation of the Holy Cross (September 14) £4.75
A splendid piece, some 7 minutes long. Available in versions for mixed and for male voices.
EMP0513 de Rore, Cipriano Missa Praeter rerum seriem
SSATTBB Mass Ordinary, Holy Trinity £7.10
A magnificent setting based on Josquin's motet (A Mary Sequence) The work was composed for Duke Ercole II of Ferrara, and in the only surviving source (Munich Mus MS 46) one voice sings throughout the mass the text 'Hercules Secundus Dux Ferrariae Quartus vivit et vivet.' In this version prepared for liturgical performance in San Marco, Venice, alternative texts were supplied, either setting sections of the Ordinary or using a new text in honour of Holy Trinity. The work is offered here without the Credo, which was not sung in San Marco.
EMP0514 Merulo, Claudio Adoramus te Domine Jesu Christe
SSATTB Motet general, Easter £3.00
A setting of a text derived from the Testament of St. Francis of Assisi (1226), suitable for Eastertide or for feasts of Holy Cross. The use of intermediate clefs (here Mezzosoprano) is typical for Merulo's second book of motets.
EMP0515 Merulo, Claudio Audi Domine hymnum
SAATTB Motet general, Dedication of a Church £3.00
A splendid declamatory and rhythmically complex piece - also suitable for the season following Pentecost. The piece is in high clefs and is usually offered transposed down a fourth, as here, or down a tone.
EMP0516 Merulo, Claudio Beata viscera Mariae Virginis
SMATTB Communion, Marian Feasts £3.00
A beautiful setting of the familiar Marian piece, originally cleffed TrSMAABa. It is usually offered transposed down a tone or down a fourth.
EMP0517 Merulo, Claudio Benedicite spiritus
SSATTB Motet general, General Use £3.00
A setting of verses from the Benedicite originally cleffed TrTrMAABa. It is usually offered transposed down a tone or down a fourth.
EMP0518 Merulo, Claudio Cantate Domino
SSMATBaF5 Motet general, General Use £4.00
A powerful setting of the familiar text from Ps. 95. An unusual but typically Venetian scoring, combining vocal clefs with a very low instrumental bass line, originally probably a dulcian. Our edition is offered a tone above original pitch, bringing the lowest part almost into the Bass vocal range!
EMP0519 Merulo, Claudio Ecce Maria genuit
SSAATBB Antiphon, Christmas £4.00
One of several pieces for seven voices in Merulo's Second Book of Motets. The text is a Vesper Antiphon on Christmas Day and its Octave, also for the Purification and in the Office of BVM. It refers to John Baptist seeing Christ and exclaiming: Behold the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world. It ends with a splendid triple-time Alleluia.
EMP0520 Merulo, Claudio Hei mihi Domine
SMATTBB Motet general, Penitential £3.00
One of several pieces for seven voices in Merulo's Second Book of Motets. The text clearly relates to Savonarola's famous commentary on the Miserere (Ps. 51)
EMP0521 Merulo, Claudio O altitudo divitiarum
SSAATBB Motet general, Holy Trinity £4.00
One of several pieces for seven voices in Merulo's Second Book of Motets. The text from Rom. 11 occurs liturgically as a reading on the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Merulo's setting includes a wonderfully syncopated treatment of the word 'investigabiles' (inscrutable!).
EMP0522 Aleotti, Raphaela Ego flos campi
SAT SATB Motet general, Marian Feasts £3.00
One of the few pieces by a female composer of the period. She was prioress of the musically renowned Augustinian convent of S Vito, Ferrara, from 1636 to 1639.
EMP0523 Anerio, Felice Alma Redemptoris Mater
SATB Marian Antiphon, Advent and Christmastide (until Purification) £3.00
A simple attractive setting, clearly influenced by Palestrina's but none the less worth exploring.
EMP0524 Anerio, Felice Factum est silentium
SATB Respond, St. Michael Archangel (September 29) £3.00
One of the best of the four-part pieces of Anerio, and a very effective setting of the text. Besides the settings by Deering and Mouton there is also a splendid double-choir setting by Croce.
EMP0525 Arcadelt. Jacques Haec dies
SATB Graduale, Easter £3.00
This is one of only 24 Latin sacred motets by Arcadelt, who is better known for his over 120 chansons and 200 madrigals. But his output also includes three masses, Lamentations and Magnificat settings. Most of the motets are settings of liturgical texts: Haec dies is of course the Gradual on Easter Day. It is one of three motets printed in Moderne's anthology Motetti del fiore in 1532.
EMP0526 Byrd, William Beati mundo corde
SSATB Communion, All Saints (November 1) £4.00
One of the loveliest of the short pieces in Byrd's great Gradualia. The text is part of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. This version, a fourth lower than the original, has the catalogue number EMP0526.
EMP0527 Byrd, William Solve iubente Deo
SSATTB Magnificat Antiphon, St. Peter in Chains (S. Petri ad Vincula)(August 1) £3.00
A magnificent piece, one of the few for 6 voices in the Gradualia associated with the feasts of St Peter. The text is both Magnificat Antiphon at Vespers and Alleluia verse in the Mass. Byrd's print omits almost all the text for obvious political reasons; it has been reconstructed here.
EMP0530 Gibbons, Orlando Lift up your heads O ye gates
SSAATB Psalm-Motet, Advent £4.00
Few Full Anthems of Gibbons survive. This is a magnificent piece suitable for Advent and general use. This version is set a third higher than the original.
EMP0531 Gibbons, Orlando O Lord in thy wrath rebuke me not
SSAATB Psalm-Motet, Penitential £3.00
Few Full Anthems of Gibbons survive. This setting of part of Psalm 6, one of the Penitential Psalms, is suitable for Advent, Lent and general use.
EMP0533 Josquin des Pres Miserere mei Deus
SAATB Psalm, Penitential £6.00
One of the most celebrated of Josquin's pieces, imitated by many composers. The Tenor sings throughout the piece the single phrase 'Miserere mei Deus,' rising one step for 'De-'. This is repeated 21 times, on each step of the scale down and up and down again, after each verse of the psalm. The piece lasts about 14 minutes and is not to be undertaken lightly!
EMP0538 Obrecht, Jacob Alma Redemptoris Mater
SABa Marian Antiphon, Dedication of a Church £4.00
An extended setting of the Antiphon.
EMP0539 Obrecht, Jacob Salve Regina
SSATTB Marian Antiphon, Holy Trinity to the Saturday before Advent £5.00
An awesome piece: in my ensemble Hofkapelle we refer to this is 'Obrecht's Ninth'. The piece is on a huge scale and lasts a good 12 minutes including the chant verses. I offer it in two versions, one for mixed and one for male voices.
EMP0544 Regnart, Jacob O decus Trebnitiae
SSATTB Magnificat Antiphon, St. Hedwig (October 15) £4.00
A splendid piece whose scale indicates something of the esteem in which Hedwig - Patrona Silesiae - was held. She was born daughter of Count Berthold III of Andechs in 1174, married Henry I (The Bearded) and thus became Duchess of Silesia and Poland. She founded with her husband the Cistercian nunners of Trebniz, near Wroclaw (Breslau) to which she retired on the death of her husband and son in 1238. She died there in 1243 and was buried near her husband in the Abbey church where they both still lie.
EMP0545 Regnart, Jacob Tollite jugum meum
SSATB Respond, Feasts of Apostles £3.00
One of the most attractive motets of the prolific Jacob Regnart, a setting of the familiar text (Take my yoke upon you) from St. Matthew, best known from its setting in Handel's Messiah.
EMP0550 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Beati pauperes spiritu
SATB Motet general, All Saints (November 1) £4.00
A remarkable piece, setting the whole of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. No liturgical use has been identified for such a piece, but part of the text is set as the Communion for All Saints.
EMP0559 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Da pacem
SSAATB Vespers Prayer, General Use £3.00
The earlier (1556) of two settings of the familiar Vespers/Evensong Verse Give peace in our time, O Lord...
EMP0560 Lassus, Roland de (Orlandus Lassus, Orlando di Lasso) Infelix ego
SAATBaB Penitential £4.75
A stark setting of the opening passage of Savonarola's meditation on Psalm 50 (51) Miserere mei Deus. This text, which was already translated into many languages in the 16th century, was set by many composers. Lassus' setting, scored originally for mezzo, alto, alto, tenor, bass and subbass (ideal for male voices) is here offered a tone higher. Set in the Phrygian mode, which offers little scope for relief, it nonetheless moves from despair to confidence.
EMP0568 Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da Stabat Mater dolorosa
SATB SATB Sequence, Seven Sorrows of Mary (Maria perdolens), (September 15) £5.00
The famous double-choir setting, here offered in a revised edition with original note-values, a fourth lower than the high clef original. Altos in 'octave treble' tenor clef.
EMP0571 Croce, Giovanni Exaudi Deus
SATB Introitus, Lent £2.50
A lovely little piece, which has become a favourite. The text (from Psalm 54) was frequently sung as part of the Introit or at the Communion: Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication. Attend unto me, and hear me. Available separately or in 'Three motets for four voices'.
EMP0574 Handl, Jakob (Gallus) Two motets for Advent
various Motet general, Advent £4.00
Rorate coeli (SSATBB), a stirring piece, and O Sapientia (SATTB),very calm.
EMP0576 Byrd, William Domine tu jurasti
SATBaB Motet general, Penitential £4.00
Obviously a politically motivated piece - the text is non-liturgical, and the translation in part reads 'deliver us from the hand of Pharaoh...and from bondage under the Egyptians.'
EMP0577 Byrd, William Emendemus in melius
SATTB Motet general, Penitential £3.00
Rightly one of Byrd's best-known pieces, almost homophonic and most effective. Transposed down a 4th from the high-clefs original. Also available at a higher pitch.